Cough? For a start it would be best to leave the cigarettes and lungs would be purified. Of course, in a natural way, without chemical preparations.
Cigarettes contain over four thousand poisons, a large number of ingredients identical to those contained in toxic dumps. This tempting habit, in which millions are enjoying, leaves heavy traces in the lungs, where among other toxins the most dangerous: tar and nicotine accumulate.
Smokers should pay particular care of their body and proper nutrition. In nature there are foods that help flush toxins from the body. Among the ingredients that clean the lungs, these are the most powerful.
Extremely strong antioxidant which can be found in Brazilian nuts, tuna, cod and salmon.
In addition to the many medicinal properties, this truly miraculous root successfully cleans the lungs of toxins. You can use it in addition to all cooked dishes as a condiment or as a tea, several times a day.
Garlic is also known as one of the most powerful natural antibiotic, with powerful anti-cancer effect, which prevents the creation of new cancer cells.
Chili pepper
It promotes the degradation of excess mucus in the body, including the lungs. Just when you consume strong, spicy foods, you can see how your nose starts running, writes “Source”.
The recipe for the syrup to clean lungs
In one liter of water, pour 100 g of young pine needles, 1 cm of cleaned fresh ginger root that you previously grated on small grater and leave to cook for about two hours on medium heat. When it cools, add the juice of two fresh squeezed lemons and 200 g of local honey. Take a tablespoon of the syrup three times a day before each meal.