1. Smiling Always Helps to Boost Confidence
Benefits of smile to the human body are quite numerous as research has indicated. When you smile, the activity triggers your brain to release endorphins. This gland has been termed nature’s feel good therapy. It will give you a sense of elation and at the same time improve your self esteem. It makes you to exude a positive attitude that rubs off on others thereby making you attractive to others. Having a clean and white dentition would also motivate you to smile in contrast to having stained or discolored teeth.
2. Boosts Your Self-esteem
The more you smile meaningfully at others; it will transform you a more likeable character which in turn helps to boost your self esteem. Humans generally have an entrenched subconscious need for decent self esteem. When people feel accepted and regarded, their self esteem gets a boost. But if on the other hand, they feel unwanted and disregarded; their self esteem would take a hit. Part of the ways you can show others that they are held in high esteem is by smiling at them.
3. Your Expression Do Count
A friendly and warm smile will express to others that you are not only relaxed but also comfortable beneath your skin, thereby effectively projecting you as secure and confident.
Likewise, you must have noticed at some point that when you smile at others, they tend to smile back at you. Such reaction is caused by mirror neurons and has proven that smile is actually contagious. These neurons located in the brain would replicate expressions it picks up from others around us. It works in a sort of chain reaction, and those at the receiving end will in turn become friendlier to us. Shy people can also leverage the positive effect of smile to overcome their shyness.
4. Your Smile Broadcasts the Truth
Smiling at others is a good way of revealing your inner self. By smiling at others, you are telling them that they are desirable, pleasant, safe and likeable. The effect will positively impact on their self esteem. On the other hand, people that usually frown or keep a straight face would have others avoiding them as much as possible. They will give off negative attributes such as depression, anger, frustration, sadness etc. Each time you smile at others, you will not only make them feel better, but it will also enhance your self esteem.
5. It Is Always Good to Flaunt Your Shiny and Straight Teeth
Aside the numerous psychological attributes that smiling can give to you, it also has physical benefits as well. Smiling usually makes one to appear more attractive to others. When you switch on a smile, it can light up your face the same way a bulb lights up a dark room. This is especially so when you have shiny dentition. Flaunting your shiny teeth through smile can easily give you the aura of a charming personality.
6. Smiling is Stress Buster
Studies have shown that keeping a smile on your face when you are stressed up can help your heart. A recent study that will soon be published on ‘Psychological Science’ gives credence to the efficacy of smile in helping to reduce stress. It further pointed out that smiling can make you to feel good about yourself and will quicken your recovery from stressful issues. Therefore, smiling from ear to ear or simply holding a grin and being aware of it goes beyond showing you are happy but could also act as stress reliever. Anytime you feel stressed up or frustrated, instead of keeping a frown you should rather put on a smile and your heart will thank you for that.
7. Smiling is Contagious
Smiling is so powerful that it can travel between individuals or group of people within seconds, subconsciously. Smiling is actually contagious and chances are that you have smiled at someone in the past and the person smiled back at you for no obvious reason. Also, when you smile at people, you make them to be at ease with you which may promote your interaction with others regardless of whether they are close pals or strangers, that’s the power of having NicerSmile which also helps you to flaunt white teeth’s
8. Smiling Can Boost Your Immune System
This may sound strange, but laughter (a more flamboyant form of smile) can actually boost your immune system. A Mayo Clinic report revealed that laughing and maintaining a positive mindset will trigger off molecules to your brain that will help to fight off illnesses and stress while the opposite of it will equally bring about its negative attributes. Another study that was conducted in 2015 also discovered that laughter as a therapy was effective in improving immune responses among women that just delivered their babies.
You may have heard the popular saying that Laughter Is the Best Medicine; it is not just a phrase but a factual statement.