One day it happened to me to find myself in a conversation about health, where the subject was the pain in the spine and the knees.
If I ever experience some pain in my legs, I was told that u can prepare a very effective home remedy. For making it you will need a handful of blue clay combined with bread and vinegar. You can dilute it if it is too strong. Add few peaks of nettle that are minced or grated. Once your remedy is done, you can apply it on some nylon or cloth. Put some olive oil on the affected area before applying the covering. Iterate the process in the next seven days and you will no longer feel any pain.
It is known that the clay has healing characteristics and boosts the body’s defense systems. We can see that the animals are trying to find some clay when injured.
These days the clay has its place in the medicine because of the many mineral salts and trace elements included in it. It is rich with aluminum, silicon, potassium, calcium, iron, sodium, silver, magnesium, copper and lead.
Clay is very useful in curing the wounds, removing toxins from the tissue, blood and lymph flow and lowers radioactivity in the body. It is highly recommended after or between radiation for lubricating the affected area.
Clay is helpful against many diseases: anemia, respiratory ailments, arteriosclerosis, intestinal disarrays, poisoning, ulcer, additional stomach acid, skin changes, hair loss, painful menstruation, etc. You can use it for particular health issues, purifying the body or boosting the energy.
Try: You can make medium thick paste with clay and distilled water and apply it as a compress on the affected area. Keep in mind that you are not keeping clay in metal container or using a metal spoon for making the paste. The metal will significantly change its properties.
In case you are suffering from problems in your knees or spine, you should be patient and use some clay for drawing off the pain. It has ability to regenerate your cartilage and can assist you in the fight against some ailments for which the doctors are advising operations or have even given up from healing them. All you need to do is to lubricate the affected place with clay for a few months.
How to drink a clay: Put one teaspoon of clay in a glass cup filled with 1.5 dl of plain water and leave it to stay during the night. You should drink the water on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.
In the first week you should drink the water only and leave the sediment on the bottom of the glass. During the second week mix the sediment and leave it to stay for a bit. Drink the medium muddy water and leave the rest of the clay at the bottom of the glass. In the third week you will need to mix the clay sediment and drink it all together with the water.
You will have positive results very soon. Even if you are not in any health problems, you will notice that your body is cleaner with more energy accumulated and your skin brighter.
If you are wondering if the clay sediment stays in your body or your intestines, you shouldn’t worry at all. This remedy was used for healing the soldiers that were suffering from typhoid, dysentery and many different infections. This clay is easy to be found in your local health food stores and herbal pharmacies. All you need to do is to ask for the clay for drinking. The one for compresses is a little bit larger.
Another great recipe- Face mask:
Mix 2-3 tablespoons (wooden or plastic) of clay with several drops of lemon juice and non-carbonated mineral water in order to get homogenous composite. You can also add almond oil, St. John’s Wort or olive oil. Put the mask on your face and leave it to work for 30 minutes. Then you can rinse your face and put some moisturizing cream. Clay is has anti-inflammatory properties, effective against acnes, boosts the generation of collagen and elastin and makes the skin younger and fresher.
And finally: The clay envelops and masks are more efficient if the clay is used regularly and orally.
Source : One day it happened to me to find myself in a conversation about health, where the subject was the pain in the spine and the knees. If I ever experience some pain in my legs, I was told that u can prepare a very effective home remedy. For making it… admin@healthylifevision.comAdministratorHealthy Life Vision