Autumn is fast approaching, and winter will follow one another just as quickly. As you know, to stay healthy throughout this period, you must take care of your immune system. Indeed, the role of the latter is to protect you against viruses, germs and other infections. It is therefore absolutely essential to provide your immune system with the necessary resources to fully perform this protective role. Maybe it’s time to strengthen it before winter! In this article, we give you 5 tips to achieve this.
Gut microbiota
First of all, you should know that the immune system is largely related to your digestive system. Did you know that 70% of the microorganisms that compose it are found in your intestines? It is therefore very important to preserve your gut microbiota. To do this, you can opt for dietary supplements, fermented foods that will be rich in lactic acid bacteria, but also fruits and vegetables rich in fiber and nutrients. As such, you can discover LPEV solutions to support immunity in a natural way.
Our next Tips to strengthen your natural defenses concern sleep which is extremely important. Indeed, there is a direct link between immunity and daily sleep hours. According to scientists, the production of white blood cells is directly impacted by the quality of your sleep. The less sleep you get, the weaker your immune system becomes. Think!
Sport is also essential to boost your immune system. There is apparently a link between stress and the immune system. Indeed, stress reduces the production of white blood cells and permanently weakens resistance to pathogenic organisms. By practicing regular physical activity, you will evacuate stress and therefore boost your immune system in a lasting and interesting way. Don’t forget to move!
Sugar consumption
Sugar is bad for your health, and you already know it! However, did you know that your immune system suffers as soon as you consume more than 100 grams of sugar per day? Indeed, according to several scientific studies, white blood cells are no longer able to defend you when you consume too much sugar. They are greatly slowed down when blood glucose levels are too high.
Last tip to boost your immune system naturally, diet of course! You should know that certain vitamins and minerals are essential for the proper functioning of your immune system. They play a very important role in your body, and are therefore essential to your health. Adequate intake of vitamin C, vitamin D and magnesium in particular is key to boosting your immune system. And you can find all these micronutrients in your diet. It is obviously enough to make the right choices, and to eat balanced without consuming too much sugar or too much fat. Also remember to supplement throughout the year by doing cures of food supplements regularly and by varying as much as possible the foods you consume on a daily basis.
As you can see, you can quite easily boost your immune system as winter approaches. Do not hesitate to turn to dietary supplements that can be of unfailing support and will help you spend a much quieter winter. Now it’s up to you!