It is widely know that normal, human urine is yellow in color, but many often notice that the color of their urine is completely changed and often varies from dark to bright.
Blood, murkiness and discoloration, can alarm and cause panic that there is something physically wrong with your body. If you’re curious and want to find out more about your urine, continue reading this article.
What is Normal Urine Supposed to Look Like?
The normal color of urine can range from amber to a translucent yellow. It is a product of cellular metabolism and is a sterile liquid that is expelled from the body. The appearance of your urine can be affected by certain beverages you drink, diseases that you may be afflicted by and foods you eat. The pigment called urochrome is the cause of the amber to yellow color of the normal urine. When you are not getting enough fluids, your urine is darker (amber). There’s typically no cause for alarm, if your urine is on the darker spectrum of what it should normally look like. All you need to do to drink more fluids, preferably pure water.
Why is My Urine Clear?
Typically, the healthier you are, the clearer your urine is. Light yellow to clear colored urine is typical of those who regularly drink water, which is a sign that your body is properly hydrated. However, clear urine can also appear in those who are taking in too much water, and may be dangerously close to overhydration, or water intoxication. An increased urination, especially clear colored urine, without great water intake can be a sign of diabetes.
Some may often wonder why their urine becomes clear after excessively drinking alcohol. The one reason for increased urination is that alcohol is a diuretic which means it increases the rate you have to pee, and the other reason is the amount of liquids your body took in. Because alcohol forces an increase in urination, your body is required to extract water from other organs since you’re peeing all that water down the drain, along with other important electrolytes in your body. This is the main reason why alcohol makes you sick and leaves you with a bad headache and a nasty hangover.