This super cream prepared easily and cheaply, can save you from hemorrhoids, bronchitis and many other ailments. The balm is prepared with only one egg (boiled, because you only needed the yolk), 400ml olive oil and 600g beeswax. In a bowl of fire put the oil in it over low fire to melt the wax piece. After it boils add the egg yolk. When it starts making the foam, remove the pot from fire.
Once it decreases, return the bowl on the stove and stir constantly until the mixture gets a dark brown color. After it cools down, strain it through gauze.
So place the prepared ointment in a glass container and close it well. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 10 months.
For sinusitis – melt a bit of the ointment and place one drop in the nose. The mixture will effectively stop the inflammation of the sinuses and absorb the pus.
Bronchitis – consume half a teaspoon of the ointment three times a day before meals.
With burns, toothache or sore spots – apply to the problematic area. With the ointment you will strengthen your nails and remove those pesky hemorrhoids.