Given the fact that apple cider vinegar is potent antiseptic and antibiotic, it has the ability to combat bacteria and germs. Raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar contains “mother” of vinegar, which looks like wispy-looking strands made of bacteria and cellulose. These strands are responsible for the specific sour taste of the vinegar. The “mother” is known for its health benefits and many health sites, including Bragg`s website, confirm the health benefits of raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar, including its ability to soothe a sore throat, remove toxins from the body, and maintain healthy skin. The only negative aspect of apple cider vinegar, just as any other vinegar, is its negative effect on the teeth.
There are various less known benefits of this acidic acid and some of them are presented below. Keep reading and learn more about this amazing ingredient!
The Wonder ‘Drug’ of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Apple cider vinegar seems safe for most people and there are no side effects noted with normal consumption. However, there are some things that you need to take into consideration when using it. Never take it undiluted or in large quantities because it is likely to cause erosion of mucus membranes or dental enamels. People taking medicines, such as blood thinners, should avoid this liquid because it may interfere with the drugs. People on diuretic medicines should stay away from apple cider vinegar as well, as it may lower their potassium levels.
Add two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of morning and drink this solution every morning, before meals, and during the day. If consumed during the meal, this solution can help you prevent overeating and improve digestion.
Mucous Discharges
Eliminate rye, corn, and wheat from your diet and take apple cider vinegar three times daily before meals.
Sore Throat
The numerous health benefits of apple cider vinegar make it an ideal health and beauty product. It balances the pH levels of the throat`s tissues, making them more alkaline or acidic, depending on body`s requirements. Consequently, apple cider vinegar acts as an amazing sore throat remedy. In addition to this, it kills bacteria that cause sore throat and fights off the infections responsible for the sore throat in the first place. Due to the fact that it acts as natural expectorant, it has the ability to thin the phlegm in the throat, which in turns makes breathing and swallowing much easier. Finally, apple cider vinegar contains prebotic inulin, a dietary fiber which boosts white blood cell and T-cell counts and it boosts the immune system.
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