Surely you know that you cannot believe everything you read. And yet, you probably still follow certain tips that absolutely have nothing to do with common sense, as far as the diet and weight loss (eg. You should not eat after eight o’clock in the evening). For that reason we will give you the ten worst advices you shouldn’t adhere.
Fats are making you fat
It depends on the types of fats that you consume. Fats that are found in biscuits, Fries and other fatty foods can increase cholesterol levels and the risk of certain diseases. But the good fats, which are found in nuts, fish and avocados protect the heart and improve the overall health of the organism. In combination with a healthy diet, these fats can help you get rid of excess weight.
Do not eat between meals
Eating smaller, more frequent meals is a great way to combat hunger, control portion sizes and make better choices in terms of nutrition. Nuts, low fat yogurt and fruit are excellent foods that can help you throughout the day keep the level at an optimal level.
Calories are calories and you should count them
Not all calories are the same. Type of calories, time of inclusion and their quality can significantly alter the overall effect of calories left in the body. Food creates a reaction in the body and the type of food you consume is an important component of nutrition. For example, 50 calories from apple will cause a different reaction in the body from 50 calories from cakes. The quality of calories is important and because the chemicals, hormones and general by-products that can be found in processed foods affect the absorption of real nutrients. The point: Calories are not the only factor of good nutrition.
Cut out carbs
Yes, it is true that excessive intake of refined carbohydrates such as white bread and white rice, can lead to weight gain and increased risk of cardiovascular disease. But no study has proved that healthy carbohydrates such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables or legumes adversely affect the health or weight. On the contrary, numerous studies indicate that a diet rich in the above herbal carbohydrate linked to better health of the organism. Therefore, carbohydrates are free to be consumed, as long as they are not refined.
Eat lots of protein
Consuming large amounts of protein is not the key to healthy weight loss. Why? The body takes three macronutrients: proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and only the delivery of proteins, when trying to lose weight, does not make sense. You not only deprive the body of fibers and other antioxidants that are found in healthy carbohydrates (whole grains, fruits and vegetables) but risk entering too much fat that can lead to the formation of high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.
Avoid gluten
There is no scientific evidence to suggest that gluten is thicker. The problem is that we take too many refined carbohydrates – foods that are “made” from white flour and other refined grains. Ejecting gluten from the diet, without prior consultation with the doctor, can lead to a lack of important nutrients in the body, such as fiber, iron, vitamin B12 and magnesium.
Enter as few calories as you can
When caloric intake is reduced to a minimum, your body goes into starvation mode and slows down metabolism. But, a reasonable goal is to “slash” about 500 calories per day through diet and exercise, which will lead to healthy weight loss. A week, it is about a pound.
Avoid nuts
Yes, nuts contain a lot of calories, but it does not mean that they should not be included in the daily diet (of course, in appropriate quantities). Research shows that women who are admitted to nuts in the diet (especially almonds and pistachios) have a smaller waist circumference than women who do not consume them.
Avoid yolk
Research shows that cholesterol which contains the yolk actually increases levels of good (HDL) cholesterol in the body. Compared with the egg white, which offers nothing more than the protein, the yolk contains carotenoids, essential fatty acids, vitamins A, D, E and K. It also contains choline, which improves the health of the brain and the liver and reduces inflammation in the body.
Artificial sweeteners are an excellent substitute for sugar
The findings suggest a possible link between artificial sweeteners and weight gain. The constant presence of artificial sweeteners in the diet means that your will never take a “break” from the sweet taste that you love so much. The more you consume (they are often found in sodas) the longer you stay trapped in a “cycle of sugar” and will continue to look for these foods.