Those who had no problem with the wisdom teeth do not know what real physical pain is. While you wish to remove the head from the shoulders in hope that it will not hurt you while you are waiting on the next dental check, these few home remedies can help you a lot.
Cloves: anesthetic and analgesic which proves very effective in toothache. Has antibacterial properties and protects against infection very common in tooth aches.
Salt: reduces pain and prevents infection. Put 1 tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Swirl few times and prevent an inflammation of the gums.
Garlic: antioxidant, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory natural remedy that will protect the palate, and will reduce the pain. Break a clove of garlic and place it directly on the tooth.
Onions: anti inflammatory effect.
Mint: It releases the bacteria in the mouth that can cause inflammation and reduce pain. Apply peppermint oil directly on the place, dried mint in a glass of warm water and rinse.
Sage: natural remedy with great effect in the painful wisdom teeth. Take 2 tablespoons dried sage, 1 tablespoon salt and place in a bowl with a little whiskey or vodka. Rinse the place and spit it out. Repeat if necessary.
Vanilla extract, an antioxidant that will dull the pain. Place a few drops of vanilla on cotton, put it in place and repeat as needed.
Wheat grass: a natural antibiotic eliminates bacteria from the mouth and reduces pain. Rinse several times a day, with the juice of wheat grass.