Anyone who wants to preserve the health must have St. John’s wort tea in the kitchen.
Lately more and more people talk about the power of St. John’s wort to cure female diseases, and also fight depression.
Preparation is very simple, make it today:
In a bowl, place a large spoonful of St. John’s wort and pour 2.5 deciliters of boiling water, then cover the bowl and leave it to stay for 10 minutes. After, drain the water and put it in a bottle and drink the tea three times a day.
Note: The tea should be consumed 6 to 8 weeks without a break, and then a break should be taken for at least three weeks. After completing the break feel free to continue drinking the tea.
Results: can be visible after the first few weeks, and if you are consuming some other therapy it is desirable not to be exposed directly to sunlight.
Contraception: Drinking this tea withdraws the action of anti baby pills.
Benefits of St. John’s wort:
– St. John’s wort is recommended for all those who are exposed to stress, because it acts calming on the nervous system.
– Helps with insomnia and removes fatigue.
– Acts on hormones and helps in removing the symptoms of menstruation and menopause (especially affects the frequent mood swings)
Heals female diseases:
– A great ally in the fight against anemia.
– It is recommended to be consumed by girls for proper development of the reproductive organs.